Losing weight is often as simple as eating less! Try these hacks to lose a few lbs….or more!
- Slow down your eating. Put your fork down after every bite. Take smaller bites and chew your food completely before picking up your fork again. It takes your brain 20 minutes to register that you are full. When you slow down eating, you let your belly and brain communicate and you will feel full sooner, and eat less. Use chopsticks when possible. They are great to help your dexterity and will SLOW you down.
- Fill ½ your plate with vegetables. Veggies are nutrient dense but not calorie dense. No one gets fat eating a huge stalk of broccoli. Add in a cup, or two of veggies to your pasta, tacos, soups or as a side to any meal. You will feel full and satisfied that you had enough to eat.
- Drink more water! We often confuse thirst for hunger. Drink more water and you will satisfy your thirst, which you thought was hunger! Drinking water during meals can also help slow down the meal (see hack #1).
- Eat more fiber. Fiber fills us up and make you feel full. Opt for fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans, lentils, quinoa, and avocado. Foods high in fiber are good for your gut, help keep you regular, lowers cholesterol, and helps control blood sugar.
- Start with a smaller portion on a smaller plate. Eat this smaller portion, following the above tips. Often you will be satisfied with this smaller portion! Try eating off smaller-9 inch plates, to encourage smaller portions.
- Avoid hunger!! Hunger signals that you have low blood sugar. When your blood sugar is low, your brain instructs you to get calories in quickly. The quickest way to raise your blood sugar is with sugar! You will have little resistance to junk food-things like cookies, candy, bread, crackers and chips. Eat a healthy snack before hunger sets in. Plan for a snack that includes a complex carbohydrate like fruit or vegetable, a healthy fat, like nuts, and a little protein. Slice up and apple and dip in natural peanut butter. Dip a raw carrot in tasty hummus.
- Eat a full, healthy breakfast. Studies prove that eating a larger breakfast, and a smaller dinner leads to weight loss. Your body is revved up in the morning and puts calories to work. You will feel more in control for the remainder of the day after a great breakfast. Include complex carbohydrates like fruits, veggies, wholes grains, lean protein, and healthy fats like avocado and nut butters. Slow cook oatmeal with blueberries and raspberries and a teaspoon of peanut butter is a great option. Whole grain toast slathered with avocado, topped with an egg and a banana would be another complete breakfast.
Try these 7 hacks to impact a little weight loss, or once they become habit, a lot of weight loss.
by Christy Coughlin , Wellness Coach