Gary Good

Gary couldn’t walk long distances and would get out of breath just walking. In April, he made a decision to get healthy. He cut out the fast food he was eating, cut out all soda, and got a gym membership to Genesis Health Club. He now weight lifts 3-4 times a week, drinks 80-120 ounces of water daily, has a shake or 3 boiled eggs for breakfast, packs a lunch full of protein and vegetables, and snacks on sweet and salty nutrition bars. He uses the Rolling Strong app to earn points for his exercise, has linked the app to his Garmin wearable watch, and logs his sleep with the app. He works with Coach Norie to get additional points for checking in with a coach. Calling into a coach makes him feel like he has someone cheering him on and celebrating with him. He’s now down 25 lbs and doesn’t feel sluggish or get out of breath walking anymore. He also doesn’t feel like he needs to sleep as much now either. Great job Gary! Keep up the hard work!